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Guidelines for Traveling with Medication

Posted on 17 June 2019 by (0)

Airlines regulations keep changing. Today, most airlines have restrictions on the liquids that people can carry onto the planes. They also have rules for items like prescription drugs. If you intend to carry medication when traveling, here are guidelines to help you travel without hitches.

Check Your Medical Supply

Before you head out, make sure that you have adequate medical supply. Ideally, carry medications that will last throughout the trip. This is very important because you can face unexpected travel delays. Therefore, consider carrying extra doses just in case you face flight delay or cancellation.

Store Your Medication Properly

In some cases, you may be required to prove that you are the owner of the prescriptions. Therefore, carry your medication in the prescription bottles with your name on the label. This will enable the security agents to easily match the name with your personal identification.

Get a Medical Notification Card

If you suffer from a medical condition that requires you to access special medical equipment, get a TSA medical notification card. This will ease your screening process. The card may not be exempt you from screening by the security agents. However, it lets the TSA agents to quickly know that you can have more carry-on items than what is allowed.

Update the Dosage Schedule

Do you intend to travel across different time zones? If yes, be attentive to when you should take medication. When you travel to different time zones, you may need to adjust the medication schedule so that you can make up for time difference. Make sure that you discuss these changes with your healthcare provider to avoid the risk of too high or too low dosage.

Familiarize Yourself with Restrictions

There are restrictions for prescription drugs that you should understand before you travel. For instance, it’s illegal to carry prescription amphetamines, Sudafed, and Adderall into a country like Japan. Familiarizing yourself with the existing restrictions will enable you to avoid breaking the laws when traveling.

Carry Your Documentations

Even when traveling with prescriptions in the original bottle, carry extra documentation. This documentation may include a written prescription from the doctor and your medical record. Such documentation will proof that you are the owner of the prescription medication.

Traveling with medication can be a headache because you can easily break the existing laws. Follow these guidelines to avoid being in trouble for contravening the existing regulations and rules.
